The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength

Nehemiah 8:10

Keep your eyes upon Me My people. Never allow the circumstances to cause you to take your eyes off from Me. Behold, I will keep you. Yes, I will deliver you in the storms of life. Just focus upon Me your Savior. Much must need take place before My coming. Have on garments of righteousness, and be prepared and ready at My appearing.

Not all who call Me Lord shall enter in, save those whose hearts are pure before Me. Spend time with Me that I may prepare you to walk with Me in this world of turmoil, for all do not know Me. In name only do they know Me. They have forsaken Me for the failing things of this world.

Keep a vigil on thy walk that it may be pleasing to Me. Do not allow the storms of life to throw you off. Stay steady. Stay secure in Me, for I am your rock. I am your anchor in the midst of the storms. Keep Me ever before you.

The days shorten as you draw nearer to Me. I will spare you as a father spares his son who serves him. Let Me be at the center of your heart. Let your love for Me develop to a place where you are so secure that nothing throws you off. Make Me thy delight even as I make you My delight, My joy and My song. Then you will have a song in the night that shall keep you and deliver you from the oppression of this failing world, for the joy of the Lord is your strength, saith your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Draw your strength from Me.