“A Sweet Savor of Christ”

2 Corinthians 2:14-17

You are My people, and I desire that you work in My Kingdom. Put off the unnecessary attachments of life that hinder My Cause, of your walking uprightly in close relationship with Me, and being a conduit for souls to come into My Kingdom. For I am not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance. Be about My Business first and foremost.

There is a New Day dawning with a Great Moving of My Holy Spirit. I desire that all men would know Me and My Great Love for them, but so many have been deceived with the various doctrines of men and doctrines of devils. Will you represent Me appropriately in My Great Love and Compassion? Or will you walk in the flesh desiring only to be vindicated?

You must put on Garments of My Love and My Compassion. You must walk even as My Son walked when He was upon earth. Will you surrender your all unto Me, that you can be a proper and holy representative, for I have called you to be Ambassadors of Christ, holy, blameless, without spot, blemish or wrinkle.

Will I be able to use you in this End Time hour? Then you must forfeit all and take up your cross and follow in My Son’s Leading. You must be holy even as I am holy, else you will not see Me. I have given you both the ability and the strength to walk pure before Me. Will you be that vessel? Will you trust Me to equip and to empower you to be both a representative of Me, and one who knows My True Word and My Ways? Be a sweet savor of Christ in this hour, not only being ready yourself, but causing others to both know Me and be ready for My Son’s soon appearing in the sky, to receive My own, saith your Heavenly Father. Be looking for His Appearing.

Prophesy received from The Holy Spirit by Apostle Anna Drinkwine for 1/30/2022