Wednesday’s Bible Study

Below is the topic of Bible study for this week. It is a word that someone received from God over seventy years ago. What I like about it is that it gets right to the point, we can’t put on a facade and expect God to hear our prayers.

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if [there be any] wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psa 139:23-24 KJV


Prayer in spirit and in truth

Every prayer, which ascends to Me in spirit and in truth, will be heard. But who prays to Me in spirit and in truth? …. The thought that arises from the depths of the heart, whose goal I am, guarantees the right prayer. The one who speaks to Me without timidity and restraint, as his heart gives it to him, the one who does not seek Me at a distance but feels Me around him, the one who does not perform form prayers but whose thoughts are born out of himself, that is, rise from his own heart, the one who speaks to Me without lie and without falsehood…. who therefore spreads out his heart openly before me without wanting to hide anything, who therefore holds a close dialogue with me like a child with his father …. he sends his prayer in spirit and in truth to me because the Holy Spirit is already kindled in him.

His spirit awakens to life and this places heartfelt thoughts into the heart of man….. Who can pray to me in such a way is already on the right way and he will continue to be guided right by the spirit. But  I demand this kind of prayer in order to listen to him. I do not respect formal prayers because they do not come from the person’s own heart and therefore can never be felt as deeply as the own language of the heart can express. The one who worships me must call me in spirit and his voice will be heard by the Father.

Anyone who calls me, he has to drop all barriers, he has to step before me unveiled and speak unvarnished and sincere, no thought, however quietly insincere, may be present, he has to pray in fullest truth….. Because I know about every thought and nothing remains hidden from me. Who prays to me in this way…. in spirit and in truth …. he does not need a special place to establish his prayer; he can always and everywhere send his spirit to me; he will always pray “in the quiet chamber” when he goes into himself and seeks connection with me in thought, and I will hear him.

Because I await such a call, and who calls on me in spirit and in truth, to him I am tangibly close, and he will feel My Father around him; he will not send his prayer into the distance, but speak to me in the certainty that I myself am with him and hear him.  And what my child asks for will be fulfilled. Because his spirit instructs him to pray properly and this will be more for the spiritual good than for the bodily good. But also bodily I will help him because he subordinates his will to mine as soon as he prays right, i.e. in spirit and in truth. He knows the aim of his life on earth and he seeks to reach it because the right prayer also guarantees him higher knowledge….

Who calls me as I want to be called, he will have no lack to fear…. But first I consider his spirit so that his soul is filled with knowledge so that his soul does not need to be in want. And then man also knows that bodily suffering is not inevitable, that it is for the best of the soul, and he submits to my will devotedly. Still, I also guide him unharmed through his earthly life, because I grant my child everything what is useful to him.

And therefore a right prayer also guarantees fulfillment of requests, and never does such a prayer go unheard. A deep desire for me and my help, for my favor and power, for spiritual and earthly care will always fulfill my love because who prays to me in spirit and in truth fulfils my will and who strives to fulfill my will, I will be a loving father to him on earth and in eternity….


BD Aug 16, 1945