Abide In Me and Ask What Ye Will

My Children, do not waiver. Do not complain. Rather fix your eyes upon Me, and give Me glory for what I am about to do in thy lives. It is a new work that I am about to do in thy midst. My promises shall come to pass, for all My promises are yes and amen.

Consider the cost and lay it all down, forsaking all and following Me, indeed if you want to fulfill your destiny. There are many that have wavered, not counting the cost. They wasted their lives on self pleasures. Time is short My children, and ye must needs be about My business, redeeming the time for the days are evil.

Shake off the past and deliver thyselves into the plans and purposes I have for your lives. Make it a determination in thy hearts to fulfill My will, even as My Son did when he dwelt upon the earth. Make it your goal, your aim, to surrender all to Me and walk in Victory Embrace the future I have for thee. Yes, abide in Me, and let My Words abide in thee. Then ask what ye will and it shall be done unto thee, saith the Lord thy God.